
Last time I experienced a *total* crash of my linux box was years in
the past. And today!

Installed 9.0 and missed the part where you give timezone and whether
your hwclock is on UTC or not.

OK, so I looked at /etc/sysconfig/clock and it was UTC=True. Good.
I started GNOME and the clock said 15:20
In reality it was 17:20. As we are at GMT +0200 I thought, oh, well
the timezone is missing.

I started MCC and the time adjustment facility. I marked "GMT +0200"
and hit the OK button. Crash! Screen went blank and the box REBOOTED!

After I recovered from a near heart attack I repeated the same steps
and this time only the X-Server crashed! Third time nothing happened
but the clock still showed the wrong time.

I adjusted it on the cli.

If you don't understand or are scared by any of the above
ask your parents or an adult to help you.

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