On Sat, Oct 19, 2002 at 09:19 -0700, Michael Holt wrote:
> I haven't used the multisession option myself (under linux), I've done it 
> in the past under windows but it's not very efficient.  Everytime you open 
> and close a cdr it takes actually quite a bit of room on the disc 
> http://www.roxio.com/en/support/cdr/multisession.html
> This is a windows burning tool that gives a little explaination of what 
> multisession does.
> As I said, I don't use it, but I have seen the option under 'gcombust' so 
> I believe that just checking the box would do the trick.
> http://www.abo.fi/~jmunsin/gcombust/FAQ.shtml
> This is another little faq that could help you troubleshoot if you have 
> problems - but I wouldn't modify anything until you've actually tried to 
> burn a disc and found it didn't work.
> There are quite a few gui clients already packaged for mandrake, most of 
> them have 'buttons' that cover the options you're looking for.

And if you want to do it in a text terminal:

Task: Save /home/gonzalo on a multi-session CD-R

Pre-Task: Determine which device is your CDRW:

Open a text console (xterm) and su to root.

Type: cdrecord --scanbus

The output shows your device in the format 0,0,0. You only need the
second and third number.

# cd /home/gonzalo

1. Make an image of the data:

    # mkisofs -R -L -T -o foo.raw /home/gonzalo
    where 'foo.raw' is a given name whatever suits you, the date of
    the backup like 10192002.raw as example.
2. Burn this image as first track on a new CD-R:

    # cdrecord -multi -v speed=2 dev=0,0 ./foo.raw
    where 'dev=0,0' is the device you determined earlier.
    And you can of course change the speed!
3. Determine Start and End of the track:

    # cdrecord -msinfo dev=0,0
    which puts out 2 numbers like this:
4. Make an image for the next track:

    # mkisofs -R -L -T -C start,end -M 4,0 -o foo.raw /home/gonzalo

    where you need to put in the 'sart,end' numbers you determined in
    step 2. And you may change the name 'foo.raw' into something

5. Burn next track:

    # cdrecord -multi -v speed=2 dev=4,0 ./foo.raw

After that you can go on by repeating steps 3 to 5

Thats what I'm doing all the time (if I'm not too lazy) 

If you don't understand or are scared by any of the above
ask your parents or an adult to help you.

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