
Thanks for your suggestion. But, I don't think it is that way. Firstly, I do not have any OpenOffice instances running/open initially. Secondly, If we do have an instance of OpenOffice running then it is designed so as to use that as a server process thus speeding up the loading of any other OpenOffice component. So, If you have OpenOffice Math open, and you try to open OpenOffice Writer...then it would just load faster rather than just trying to open OpenOffice Writer on it's own.

Thanks again,


Jan Wilson wrote:
* Sandeep Khanna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021018 14:37]:
My laptop has Mandrake 9 installed. Whenever I start OpenOffice, the 
first time it inevitably closes down after a short glimpse of it. But, 
after persistently trying it 3-4 times it finally shows up !! Also, If I 
completely delete the ~/.openoffice directory then it starts just fine 
even the first time !!!

Any hints, helps, suggestions?

I teach classes using OpenOffice.org every day, and this happens every
once in a while.  What it usually means is there is already a process
running which you have lost, and it won't allow you to start a new

Open a terminal and type:

ps -u $USER | grep soffice

You should see something like this:

 5642 ?        00:00:28 soffice.bin
 5666 ?        00:00:00 soffice.bin
 5667 ?        00:00:00 soffice.bin
 5668 ?        00:00:00 soffice.bin
 5684 ?        00:00:00 soffice.bin
 5685 ?        00:00:00 soffice.bin

Try killing the first one, like this:

kill 5642

That should kill the running process, and then you can start
OpenOffice as usual.  It might be worth writing a script to do this,
with a name like killoffice.


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Sandeep Khanna
Graduate Student in Computer Science, 
Villanova University
Contact Number: 
(Home) 1-610-964-1320 
(Office) 1-877-946-4622 Ext (106) 
(Cell) 1-267-253-6808

Quote of the day:

Failure is the foundation of truth. It teaches us what isn't true, and that is a great beginning. To fear failure is to fear the possibility of truth.
--Joan Chittister
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