On Tue, 19 Nov 2002 00:07:39 -0500 Jonathan Dlouhy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Is there a way to use GIMP or another editing program that will allow
> me, for example, to put two different pictures, like 4"x6" on the same
> page and print them that way? I hate to use the Windoze word, but there
> are numerous programs for 'doze that will do this easily. There must be
> a Linux equivalent.

I'm starting to look at different ways to script this kind of stuff; but
there are SO many ways in Linux...

- have you tried using oowriter?
- or writing a simple html page:
   <html><body><a href="1.png></a><a href="2.png></a></body></html>
   <html><body><a href="1.png></a><br><a href="2.png></a></body></html>
- or scripting; here's a sequence you could script:
   pngtopnm 1.png > 1.pnm
   pngtopnm 2.png > 2.pnm
   pnmcat -lr 1.pnm 2.pnm | pnmtops | gv -  # for left-right
   pnmcat -tb 1.pnm 2.pnm | pnmtops | gv -  # for top-bottom

Of course, the script example would require a whitespace pnm file for each
direction if you don't have whitespace around your images...  "gv -" lets
you view the results; replace with "lpr" to print...

I'm sure there are many more ways that I haven't found yet; but it's fun
exploring...  for example, use command completion to find some possible
utilities; at a command prompt, type the start of these commands and hit
the TAB key:
$ png
$ pnm
$ ps
and whatever else you find interesting; for example, pnmtotiff might lead
you to:
$ tiff2ps

The point is to explore...  :^)


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