I can give this a try.  May I ask why I'm giving this a try?


KevinO wrote:
Are you booting with the boot-time kernel parameters
"mem=nopentium" and/or "noapic" ?

These can be put into an append line in lilo.conf also.

Here is a snippit from a lilo.conf file showing the append line near the bottom :
        append="devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi mem=nopentium noapic"

You will have to (re)run lilo in order to commit the changes to disk.


. wrote:

   Well, I do have some new parts installed in the system, but I'm
pretty sure this was happening before I installed the new hardware.  I
upgraded the motherboard and CPU to an AMD XP 1600.

 memtest is reporting errors on tests 5 and 8, which the docs say
happen often with AMD XP CPU's and some cheap memory chips.  I have a
PNY pc133 256MB chip and a Kingston pc133 256MB chip.  I would not
consider either of these "cheap" memory, and the problem exists with
both chips by themselves, as well as together.  I suppose I could try to
find a different RAM chip, in case they are both bad (which I doubt).

 I have several IDE devices, so I tried unplugging all unnecessary
devices for getting to memtest, but the problem still existed.  I'm
building a new system, so I grabbed the power supply out of it (which is
bigger), and plugged it up, but that didn't fix the problem either.

 I'm going to see if there's a bios upgrade for my motherboard, but
after that I don't know what to try.  It seems like it's either the CPU
or the  motherboard ... neither of which I can test individually.


Wolfgang Bornath wrote:

On Sat, Nov 16, 2002 at 09:37 -0600, . wrote:

 Has anyone else had a problem with their machine dropping  back
from gui to console after a period of uptime?  I have a computer that
I run at init level 5 and use as my main home PC.  However, I also
have it running several things out of cron, and performing server
type functions like samba and cups.  It's an AMD XP 1400 with 512MB
of RAM, so I don't feel I'm asking too much from the system.

 Periodically, I'll come up to the keyboard and monitor and it will
be at a console login prompt.  After a series of stopping and
starting xfs and dm, and running "init 3" followed by "init 5" seems
to get me back to a gui login.  Then I can log back in and continue
on.  The problem is, I have things running out of xterm windows and I
keep loosing my work when this happens.

 I'm going to make sure I'm patched to the latest rpms, but I
thought I'd post to this group to see if anyone else had seen this
and/or knew what the problem was.

Sounds like a hardware prob to me. Install memtest and reboot to the
memtest boot option and run it over night.



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