I've got a php script running a web page, which needs to be able to do 
things like "ps" to determine if other processes that it will start and 
stop are running.  I've discovered that (apparently) by default, the /proc 
filesystem isn't available to the apache user.  When I do a "su - apache" 
to be the apache user and try to do a "ps," I get this:

$ ps -ef
Error: /proc must be mounted
  To mount /proc at boot you need an /etc/fstab line like:
      /proc   /proc   proc    defaults
  In the meantime, mount /proc /proc -t proc

I *only* get that when su'd to apache, if I'm a regular user, a "ps" works 
just fine.

So the question is:  How do I enable /proc for apache?

      David Guntner      GEnie: Just say NO!
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