Hello Jack,

Thank you for the infomative reply. Clearly you have considered this more than me, but surely this is what the special headers are for?

List-Post: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It is the users client that is broken if it does not support list replies correctly in this case.

Because this reply-to is changed "reply all" does not work, and I have to manually add addresses. I agree that maybe mdk is making the best of the current bad situation, but if mdk changed the list policy, this would mean all the email clients got fixed to follow those darn RFC's! Which is how it should be. We did not end up where we are here by changing standards.

Best regards


Jack Coates wrote:
This is a religion issue, really. I usually try to avoid those and live
quietly with my choices, but this one bugs me because it causes either
needlessly duplicated mail or replies to questions to be

The RFCs for mailing lists and many MUA authors/contributors feel that
mailing lists should not munge REPLY-TO because the end-user and MUA set
it and no other authority should be able to override that desire.

The administrators of and frequent contributors to mailing lists love
reply-to munging because it prevents needless duplication of mail and
helps to keep discussion threads in the mailing list, where they can be
archived and publicly posted.

On the one hand: pedantically correct behavior; on the other:
rule-bending for the sake of practical usage. The pedantics will rightly
point out that workarounds exist. In order to avoid seeing the needless
duplication of email, simply have every user of the mailing list set up
their own Unix mail server where they can install procmail and configure
it to find and delete duplicated email. In order to make sure that
everything is archived simply instruct all list users to always use
reply-all, at which point another set of people is going to get upset
because they're getting duplicate messages, at which point everyone else
flames them for not have their own Unix mail server and procmail setup

The best solution? Removing reply-to functionality from MUAs is tempting
but impractical; even though it is almost an anachronism in today's
world of ubiquitous email services, those who rely on it do rely on it.
Removing reply-to munging from MLM software would represent a pretty
ugly choice for the reasons above. (Hmm, in light of the ongoing
discussion of Mandrake's money problems, would they be happy about a
two-fold increase in the amount of email traffic? I know I wouldn't be.)
Changing the standard so that MLMs are allowed to munge reply-to but
MTAs are still prohibited? Sounds reasonable to me, and no one has yet
given me a valid reason not to (which doesn't mean that it doesn't

So in my opinion, it is not mdk's config which is broken, but rather the
standard which they are rightly not adhering to; just as, in my original
example, anyone who fully adheres to the IP RFC's subnet mask guidelines
needs to have their head examined.


On Thu, 2002-12-26 at 17:51, J. Grant wrote:

is it really broken? The reply-to should not be changed/added by the
list.  It is the mdk config problem I believe.


Jack Coates wrote:

Argh, another broken reply-to... (yes, I know it's RFC-compliant to do
this... it's also RFC-compliant to have a non-contiguous IPv4 subnet
mask and you don't see people doing _that_ little bit of insanity do

On Thu, 2002-12-26 at 01:55, Colin Jenkins wrote:

Hi all ,
I have asked this question on the newbie list, but have had no luck so
The script below works ok from the command line but when I run it as a
cron job, it starts ok, but stops after backing up a few directories.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? is it a bug with cron?
btw, I'm using mdk9 and the files being backed up are on an nt server,
but have had the same problem backing up an xp box.
I had the same problem with drakebackup, tar and cp

smbtar -s elendil -t /dev/st0 -x "stuff1" -v -i -X System\ Volume\ Information
mt -f /dev/st0 offline

usually this sort of error is due to differing environment or
permissions. If it's a user's crontab ($crontab -e) then you need to su
to that user and debug from there. If it's root's crontab (#vi
/etc/crontab) then make sure root can run it from command line.

Another possibility is that the network is fine when you're debugging,
but congested by other traffic when your cron job runs. Try doing
something less sensitive to network issues, like rsync'ing to a temp
directory a couple of times, then tar'ing that temp directory to the


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..registered linux user #223862 ..


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