
First of all I reach to download to big files (700Mb) using mldonkey; on the 
other hand kazaa is runing fine, just some menus give me problems (help 
menu), but it runs using wine. In the case you like run kazaa, I followed the 
english instructions of the next web page:

but I had to download the rpm of the last codeveawers wine version 

BTW, word97 and excel run fine using this wine release, but ¡I prefer 

If you have problems to understand the instructions, please ask me and I will 
give you a detailed description about how I did it?

Good luck!

El Domingo, 29 de Diciembre de 2002 22:13, SainTiss escribió:
> Hi,
> could you tell me how you managed to get kazaa working?
> I installed it once, but it crashed after showing the kazaa window for
> about 1 second...
> Thanks
> Hans

Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
Departamento de Biología Vegetal
Universidad de Murcia
E-30100 Murcia
España (Spain)

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