James Sparenberg wrote:
I could create 100 UID 0 users on a box... which is the same thing
OK then perhaps I am makeing unexplained jumps in my train of thought.

windows does.... but root ralph admin or whatever you want to call it
it's still the same.. A rose by any other name kind of thing.  Now you
I didn't mean to imply the creation of accounts with UID 0.
I meant user accounts belonging to an administrative group that allows access to su command. Only the group wouldn't need to be named wheel.
Actually, I am likeing David Guntner's idea about using sudo instead and for the same reasons he quotes. Namely the resulting log entry.

can set up ssh so that you can't directly log is as root but if you
remove totally the ability of root to log in (by removing it's shell)
and other names are UID 0 the affective change is null.... You won't
stop hackers... they don't su to root they su to UID 0 which is what any
user has to have in order to be god.   I've done this on boxes....
(honey-pots of sort) created a second UID 0 user named whatever it might
be named.  It doesn't slow anything down.. on Windows or Linux.... but
.... It can be done.

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