On Mon, 30 Dec 2002 17:06:15 -0600
"J. Craig Woods" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Brian wrote:
> > I noticed in my mail server logs that about a dozen or so scans came
> > from relay=securityscan.sec.rr.com.  They were all attempts to relay
> > E-Mail through my mail server.
> > 


> > 
> I have read their response, and for the sake of saving bandwidth,
> I am not including it. I completely agree with their answer to you,
> and would further ask you why would anyone run a mailserver with open
> relays? You are asking for many problems by doing so, and you are making
> the internet a much more difficult place to navigate by inviting 
> unscupulous bastards to use your mailserver for their filthy deeds. 
> Maybe you could supply a reason for allowing a public mailserver to have 
> open relays. I can not think of any reason for it!
> Furthermore, if you read their response to you, you will see that they 
> do send notification of why you can not pass mail to their network:


> -- 
> J. Craig Woods
> UNIX Network/System Administration
> http://www.trismegistus.net/resume.html
> Character is built upon the debris of despair --Emerson

Actually, you really didn't understand the situation.  I make every
effort to prevent both abuse of my mail server and allowing it to abuse
others.  It is NOT an open relay.  The response for Road Runner was only
after I noticed their actions in the mail server log and sent them a
message asking what was the reason for their actions.  They were not
informing me they had blocked my server, they only provided a sample of
the message that MIGHT be sent if the server were to be blocked.

While I totally agree there should not be any mail servers allowing
relaying, not everyone agrees with this and for sometimes the wrong
reasons they feel they need a mail server with open relaying.  Some mail
servers are still several years behind software-wise and back in those
days the default setting allowed relaying.

Your failure to fully read my post made your answer less than useful.

The issue was whether it's acceptable for anyone to make any kind of
security scans of another server without permission from the operator of
that server.  How would you like it if I took it upon myself to scan any
servers you are running silently and then without so much as offering
you the results of those scans block your system if I didn't like the
way you had your servers setup?

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