On Monday 27 January 2003 12:38 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
> Nothing like talking to oneself here *grin*.  I think I've tracked the
> blocking down to hotplug.. Seems that there is a device that exists in
> newer compaq desktops at /dev/compaq/cpqphp.  This of course doesn't
> exist in a 2 year old laptop.  HotPlug is the cause of the the problem.
> Everytime you try to insert a cardbus pcmcia card hotplug reacts by
> trying to load EVERYthing on the pci bus.  It appears that my choices
> are.

I have NEVER had any luck with yenta wrt pcmcia.  I always end up dumping 
yenta and switching to i82365 instead.  Have you tried this, by chance?  Edit 
/etc/sysconfig/pcmcia so that PCIC=yenta says PCIC=i82365 and try again...or 
is there something about Compaq that requires you use yenta?


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