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On Wednesday 29 January 2003 11:46 am, Alan Wilter Sousa da Silva wrote:
> I beg your all pardon but I could not keep my fingers away from the
> keyboard after such a stupid things written below.
> Pardon Praedor, but I could not help myself considering this subject over.
> However I shall not write anymore about it.

Heh!  I'm as guilty as you are in writing on the subject.  It is immensely 
difficult to hold the tongue (fingers?) when certain things are stated.  
Plus, I wanted to make sure that within the USA chorus there were a number of 
US citizens with contrary views to those of the court-appointed US president 
and his apologists - I count several besides myself in this list thus far.  
Not all Americans respond with reflex support for what the current person in 
the White House says.

I just "loved" some of his proposals:  the one where he mentions saving the 
forests from being ravaged by fires - HAH!  That is newspeak for "give full 
access to timber companies so they can "thin" the trees, particularly that 
nasty old-growth garbage"...totally ignoring the fact that controlled burning 
is superior to cutting timber in this regard.  Amazing how the extensive 
(one-time) forests of the North American continent managed to exist at all 
for so many thousands of years without such protectors as Bush Republicans 
being there to cut it all to shreds for "its own good".

His "give the elderly access to drug benefits" means giving up their long-time 
doctors and joining a least-common-denominator HMO where any treatment that 
actually may extend/save lives is deemed "experimental" and thus not covered.  
You get the old-fashioned, largely ineffective treatments of yesteryear 
because they are cheaper.  Period.  Oh, and the drug benefit still costs the 
seniors an arm - somewhat better than an arm-and-a-leg as it is now.

His "clear skies" initiative to clean up the air...means allowing power plants 
to produce MORE pollution and NOT add new/improved scrubbers.  It means NOT 
requiring imminently doable mandated increases in CAFE standards for ALL 
cars/trucks.  He had the audacity to mention fuel-cell automobile development 
too (apparently he couldn't recall the term "fuel-cell" and used a long, 
drawn-out description of using hydrogen for fuel and producing just water) - 
this after he tore the Gore campaign apart for advocating fuel-cell and 
hybrid vehicles, referring to them as jokes instead of real useful 

His proposal to ban ALL human cloning.  Not just reproductive cloning, which 
you could possibly get some broad agreement on, but ALL cloning.  This means 
that top-notch scientists will leave the US (if such a ban comes to pass - I 
happen to know some already are or are planning to) because all the real 
research will be conducted in Great Britain, France, and other European and 
Asian countries (Japan and China in particular) - don't know about Germany.  
This isn't about stopping someone from cloning themselves to make a baby (big 
deal), it is about stopping the creation of cures for many many diseases.  It 
means a ban on cloning human stem cell lines (therapeutic cloning which could 
"fix" damaged neural tissue in epileptics, stroke victims, etc, correct heart 
tissue damage due to heart attack, prevent tissue engineering work targetted 
at growing new replacement organs).  The list goes on.  It is all tied to his 
lack of ability to understand anything having to do with science, and his 
total lack of curiosity about anything he doesn't currently understand.  He 
just wants to bury his face in a bible and quit thinking.  

His mantra for "jumpstarting" the US economy is to give ever greater tax cuts 
to the wealthiest individuals, period, inspit of the fact that many of the 
RICHEST (Including the anti-christ Bill Gates) are against it.  Who better to 
speak for the wealthy than Bill Gates?  

Bah!  He's an idiot and if allowed to follow his path with some good blocking 
from the Senate minority, he will stumble as he must and be replaced next 

- -- 
Conservatives of all times are adventitious liars.
- - Friedrich Nietzsche.
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