make mrproper?

On Friday 07 February 2003 08:14 am, stefmit wrote:
> Hi, everyone,
> Please bare with me - have not compiled a new kernel since the days of 1st
> edition of Yggdrasil ;( - so - just recently got the new ...-24mdk source
> from the updates, happily installed the source from the rpm, and -
> confident in my ability of getting in trouble - got into the source
> directory and did carry out the "standard" compilation, using as a
> refresher:
> and
> I have "tweaked" the above to be able to salvage the old stuff - just
> backups of all my stuff, nothing to mess the new compilation, though (which
> is why I am still able to boot and send you this message), but my new stuff
> totally failed me, and here is what I get scrolling by my screen, when
> booting into the new kernel:
> busybox: unresolved symbol drop_super_Rc64cc0dd4
> kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k reiserfs, errno=2
> kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k freereiserfs, errno=2
> kernel panic: no init found ...
> and that's it.
> I know I compiled everything with the same options I had in the original
> distro installation ... so - does anybody have a pointer for me? Have you
> done the ...-24mdk yet? Any other way of doing this, that I may not be
> aware of (in today's mcc world, I may have lost touch with the automation
> processing, and - perhaps - there is an automatic compilation based on
> existing - somehow identified - configuration, which would do everything
> without the need for "make menuconfig" and baby steps?!?)?
> Thx,
> Stef

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