
I was tempted by the lure of a digital video recorder.

I found this http://www.geocities.com/slothmud/VCR-HOWTO-3.html
It seems great, my tv card is working fine with xawtv, so i checked vcr out. However, there are so many deps, I cant even get the avifile src on this site to build, (seems automake files are corrupted). main avifile.sf.net does not build either, until i install some other libs etc. Fianlly failed with

make[3]: *** No rule to make target `pci_db2c.awk', needed by `pci_dev_ids.c'. Stop.


I downloaded the avifile rpms from plf, but they need even more
Has anyone used vcr with mdk9 ? Are there any rpms floating around?

Seems even the extra rpms I installed are now out of date too:


Has anyone got it to build from scratch ?



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