> >
> > There are also USB "adaptors" for IDE drives. They are like
> > a case inside of which you put and connect your IDE drive
> > (a CD burner, any HD...) and it plugs to the PC thru USB
> > ports. It's a little big, especially if you need to carry it around,
> > but it's unbeatable in many aspects... hot swapping 120GB IDE
> > drives is very useful sometimes..
> That sounds interesting.  I presume it's not particularly fast?  But
> probably reliability would outweight that.  I used to have 'cradles' which
> would allow interchangeable drives (though not hot-swap), but found that I
> frequently had unexplained problems when trying to boot to a newly swapped
> one, so I do not recommend them at all.
> Anne

It is somewhat slow, especially when it works in USB 1.4 compatibility
mode (can work as both 1.4 and 2.0) but, now that you mention it,
i forgot about the 'bootable' requirement we are also looking for.. Is it
possible to boot an OS from USB? doesn't sound like it...


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