I've just installed ML 9.1 (and will be joining the club as soon as I've 
got 60 bucks free :), which installs Apache 2 by default.  I don't mind 
using it (I think :), but I've got a question regarding configuring ssl for 

With Apache 1.3, it was fairly straight forward to configuring your own 
site certificiate with the stuff that appeared in the configuration 
directories.  However, none of those directories or files seem to be 
present in Apache 2.  At least, not in the places I'm looking for them. :-) 
So, does anyone know how to go about generating your own site certificate 
for use with Apache 2?  As much detail as possible would be helpful. :-)

Thanks in advance for any help.

      David Guntner      GEnie: Just say NO!
 http://www.akaMail.com/pgpkey/davidg or key server
                 for PGP Public key

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