Well, its "Desktop Access" , find that and set a short cut key, its on the "Special Button" menu.



on the 12/04/03 02:25, bascule wrote:
i'm looking for a way to achieve the above, does any one know the command that is run by the 'show desktop' icon? unlike the other icons on the panel there is no 'preferences' option to check,
i ran 'kmenuedit' from a console and although you can asign shortcuts to progs listed the 'show desktop' isn't there
interestingly, alt-f2 and typing kmenuedit launches menudrake, why would this be if 'kmenuedit' in a console works?
if i know the command for 'show desktop' i should be able to edit ~/.kde/share/config/khotkeysrc and force a shortcut


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