On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 09:20, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
> Joćo Candido Araujo Milasch Filho wrote:
> > fat32 has 32 bits of adressing, thats the same as 2gb os adressing
> > range. but the adressing is on sector/cylinter/etc, so, it seams to
> > me that it can have more than 1Tb. Im not sure of that, so please do
> > not be angry. I se that it has more than 4gb because i have a
> > 26gbHDD fat32 formated.

The real question as I see it is not the limit of fat32 but the limit of
mkdosfs ... this might be exceeded.  Other possibility..... the
partition doesn't match the drive correctly.. in this case the error of
creating too large a file system means that it is too large for the
drive (for example the partition table goes past the last cylinder of
the physical drive.)


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