Hi Anne,

first thing to do - is to not boot into X...
So - The Failsafe Option is a first part.
Just - at the Lilo prompt - give: init 3
in - it should start the system without X.

The Problem - is that you most probably need to start with an empty 
XF86Config-4 file - as the XFDrake programm takes the old one as template 
(It assumes - what you have in there works already ...)

So - move that file to your Home-Directory, make sure there is no mode 
XF86Config-4 in /etc/X11, and start XFDrake again. It should do the trick.


PS: Now lets get back to this &*^%$% of Compile to have the CLE266 Via 
Driver compiled into XFree to have the Hush-PC working with a decent 
X-Display driver ...


On Wed, 25 Jun 2003, Anne Wilson wrote:
> I want to put a lcd monitor onto my old box.  The refresh rate, as it 
> was on the ancient monitor is too high for this, so it won't let me 
> boot into x.  I tried failsafe + text mode, and tried to run XFdrake 
> from the command line, but only got a blank screen.
> There must be some way to get to the monitor setup program.  How can I 
> do it?
> Anne

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