On Friday 04 July 2003 12:16 pm, Jim C wrote:
> >>No. The problem has not been fixed. I keep emailing mandrake about the
> >>problem, but they don't seem to care. I think they need to pull some new
> >>XFS patches from the SGI guys and see if that works. The SGI kernel
> >>doesn't have this problem. Nor does any of the 9.0 kernels that mandrake
> >>has produced. Also, the cooker kernels seem to have the same problem.
> >
> >Thanks a lot for the additional info!  It probably wouldn't have dawned on
> > my that the only system I've built with mdk 9.1 on which the debugger
> > works is the one that uses ext3.  The other 3 use xfs!
> Why not simply get a GNU or Redhat kernel?

Why not just buy a RedHat or Suse distribution?

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