On Wed, 2003-07-16 at 15:34, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
> Hello all,
> I posted this to the newbie list but didn't get a repsonse.  I was 
> hoping someone here could help me.
> Does anyone know how to change the scroll steps in Evolution and 
> Galeon?  When I use my scroll mouse each click scrolls half a page.  I 
> want it a little smoother than that.  What do I need to do to change it?
> -- 
> Brant Fitzsimmons

I know this doesn't help much, but I had the same problem with my
Logitech Mouseman plugged in as USB.  When I switched to a cordless
Mouseman Optical as PS/2 the scrolling was significantly more smooth.  I
can only assume that the different driver made the difference in
scrolling, but I couldn't find a setting to control it.

Try a different mouse?

Brian Keefer

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