On Wed, 2003-07-16 at 19:57, bascule wrote:
> ok i've tracked it down, i have something called 'plugger' installed, with 
> this xmms launches on the urls wihtout i get a 'choose application' dialogue, 
> it seems that kde file associations don't apply to web browsing, there is an 
> /etc/pluggerrc file that has a refernce to x-mpegurl and similar and names 
> xmms, replacing the xmms entry with gmplayer results in that app playing the 
> link - hooray!
> but
> instead of gmplayer launching and playing the link while the original web page 
> with the link remains in view the browser changes as if to load a new page 
> but then stays gray and blank, perhaps there is a syntax to the 
> /etc/pluggerrc file that someone can help me out with?
> bascule

That explains one thing.... why I didn't see it.  When I installed
mplayer it replaces mozplugger... So.... I don't have that file.. 


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