On Tuesday 22 July 2003 07:08 am, JoeHill wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Jul 2003 06:48:07 -0500
> stefmit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> > I have the same setup at home (postfix for localhost, and dynamically
> > assigned address), and what I found out from some receiving
> > systems/ISPs was that they were rejecting my email not because of the
> > membership to a specific pool of addresses, but rather because of the
> > reverse lookup, that would either fail, or be dynamically associated
> > with broadband or dial-up domains. The moment I registered my domain,
> > and pointed back to my IP address (which - by the way - as "dynamic"
> > as it was advertised, I just "fixed" it on my firewall, and never had
> > a problem ;)), all emails started flowing just fine, regardless of the
> > pool of IPs I was part of ... so check out this alternative, also.
> Well, I use www.no-ip.com, I still do not "own" a domain name.
> Would that be sufficient? 

Give it a try - won't hurt ...

> Also, I am not sure what you mean by "fixing"
> the IP on my firewall (www.bbiagent.net).

I grabbed the first address they "gave" me (i.e. which was dynamically 
assigned, when I first got the service), set it up as static on the external 
interface of my firewall, and haven't seen it changed since ;) This is how I 
got to have a site-to-site VPN with my workplace ... One thing a friend of 
mine had to do, with his provider (I never had that problem!) was to not 
block ICMP echo/replies, as his provider was "scavenging" for available 
addresses, before giving them out ... once his would reply, he would keep it, 
but if blocking ICMP, his connectivity would stop (when I say "scavenging" I 
imply any methods, including the mechanisms of DCHP, not necessarily 
provider's own scripts and such).

For the other comment from Martin: I do not disagree with the fact that some 
may rely on both IP address and reverse lookup ... but it's been my 
experience with big providers (thus owners of bigger pools of addresses, e.g. 
C&W or Qwest) of them using their leverage against those trying to use 
IP-filtering, because that may affect some commercial entities. We went 
through such a thing at my workplace, where a phone call to a recipient 
blocking IPs clarified the fact that we had high numbers of Sales Offices 
with static assignments, from the same pool as the ones used by the same 
broadband providers for regular customers (i.e. dynamically assigned). In the 
end they removed the IP-blocking, and relied on reverse lookup with proper 
domain naming (i.e. blocking only those which would resolve in something like 
ip-address.client.attbi.com, for example) ... 

Good luck,

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