On Wed Jul 23, 2003 at 11:56:14AM -0700, David Guntner wrote:

> I hope someone from Mandrake is still reading this list.  I got the 
> advisary for the new kernel in my mail, and installed the new kernel.  
> Since, then, any number of processes which used to write files that were 
> writable only by themselves (leafnode as user news, mailman as user mail 
> and so on) are now writing their files in a world readable setting.  My 
> security logs this morning started reporting files in /var/spool/news, 
> /var/lock/subsys, /var/run, /var/lib/mailman/lists and so on as being 
> writable.  Checking those directories, I find sure enough that everything 
> is -rw-rw-rw-  --  clearly, this is not acceptable!  Can someone please 
> look into this and fix it and issue a new kernel?  This needs to not 
> continue to happen.  When I su to the user IDs in question and do a umask 
> command, I see 0022 like it should be - so I can't see any reason why this 
> should be happening.

We've not seen this at all during testing.  Which kernel did you install?
secure, up, smp, etc...  uname -a would be good.

That is really really wierd.

Just ran msec here and it just shows me that my initrd is world-writable so
I don't think your problem is due to the kernel.

cc'ing this to Juan just so he can check as well.

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
Online Security Resource Book; http://linsec.ca/
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