> It sounds like you installed the kernel rpm in rescue mode.  When you do
> that, it grabs the current kernel commandline and attempts to keep all

That may explain what happened. You might know that originally I managed
to hose (or I think I did) my /dev/hdb7 install which was cooker, when
installing a new DVD/CDRW combo drive last weekend. I rebooted the
system (which had been rebooted before, successfully) and the system
hung completely at "finding module dependencies" (I think).

I couldn't boot /dev/hdb7 so I installed mandrake 9.0 on /dev/hdb6. Then
I had to install all the missing things (only had one CD of that) just
to get to the point where I could burn CDs. I managed to download all
three 9.1 ISOs and burn them. I started to reinstall 9.1, and the
box locked up solidly just before the "exit install" step. 

So, back to square 1. I tried other things too, and that's maybe when 
I screwed up. ATM, /dev/hdb6 has a 9.0 that's been partially upgraded
to cooker. /dev/hdb7 still exists, I just can't boot it, but it'll 
probably not work since /var has been rebuilt since then (/dev/hda1)
so /var/lib/rpm and so forth are way out of sync with respect to
what's on /dev/hdb7. So I might as well stick it out with what I have,
at least until I have a stable enough cooker from which to burn from. (I
mirror usually 2x a day with wget from ftp.sunet.se.) And everything else,
I get via urpmi.

(James has been helpful I'll admit -- thanks James)...

Now ATM I have a working setup - the CD issue seems to have fixed
itself, dunno why. But I can only boot in failsafe mode. Otherwise,
I get either 1) same issue with respect to the hang at module dependencies
or 2) can't find the root filesystem. Once failsafe boots, telinit 3 can
bring up the rest of the system, and then I can startx.

So - moral - don't reboot :). 

> Blue skies... Todd    Public key: http://www.mrball.net/todd.asc
> There's a medical term for that:  freakishly dorky.         --Gash
> Oh wait, is today cynical Friday?                          --NANOG
David E. Fox                              Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               on your hard disk.

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