> http://cambuca.ldhs.cetuc.puc-rio.br/xine/
> Go here and download the RealPlayer9 and w32codec rpms. You will get
> support for that.

I have the rpm's - specifically 0.52 of thw w32codec. But I already
have w32codecs from plf. I am therefore getting conflicts between the
two rpms. Should I then uninstall the plf and install the one from .br?

w32codec just seems to provide win32 dlls and other files as I would
expect. I found the 'cook' lib in users/Real/Codecs underneath 
the RealPlayer9 dir. Should I try making a symlink?

Trying a symlink into /usr/lib doesn't give an error for the 'cook'
lib, but it says it can't find a demuxer plugin for the url I
specified. In the error details, I get a message that the demuxer
failed to start, but that it did find a demuxer plugin.

> John Drouhard 
David E. Fox                              Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               on your hard disk.

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