On Tue, 19 Aug 2003, Felix Miata wrote:

> I looked at mandrakeuser.org and tldp.org and found nothing on this
> subject. Before I go looking anywhere else for non-Mandrake-specific
> coverage of this subject, anyone here know of good coverage on using
> Highpoint motherboard RAID with Mandrake?

Have you searched the archived threads of AOLM yet?


AIUI, these controllers are not true hardware RAID at all, and much if not 
most of the RAID stuff is done in software (their W32 driver). Some models 
have proprietary Linux drivers available IIRC, and some do not (and IIRC, 
those that do don't come in Mandrake versions anyway, just RedHat).

If used as a standard ATA IDE controller in Linux, it should work okay,
including when using Linux's software RAID tools to create a Linux-native
array on the controller. Accessing a Windows-native array from Mandrake is 
extremely unlikely to be possible, AFAICT. This is due to the fact that 
it's not truly hardware RAID (which would be OS-transparent).

You may have trouble getting anything you put on these drives to boot, so
you'll want to put your /boot dir (at least) on a drive on the "normal"  
IDE controller; once booted up, Linux should see the additional drives
properly, though you may need to add a parameter or two to your "append="
lines in /etc/lilo.conf to get the kernel to identify the controller's 
I/O addresses and IRQ correctly.


Bill Mullen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   MA, USA   RLU #270075   MDK 8.1 & 9.0
"There are two kinds of people in the world, those who believe there are
two kinds of people in the world and those who don't." - Robert Benchley

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