Greg Meyer wrote:

On Monday 01 September 2003 03:13 pm, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:

I was the one who asked the question about slow transfers using Samba. I asked on this list and on the newbie list. Still have not received any answers resolving the issue.

When a transfer to or from a Samba box is initiated from a Win2000 box it flies. When the same transfer is initiated from a Samba box to either another Samba box, or to a Win2000 box, it crawls at around 1/3 the speed of the Win2000 initiated transfer. Is this expected behavior?

I think the op of this thread had the slowness going the other way. Samba to XP is fast, while XP to samba is fast. In any case, it always seems to be a problem with the configuration of the windows machines, not the samba machines.

Windows to Samba was only half of my comment. An incorrect Windows configuration doesn't explain a slow Samba to Samba transfer.

Brant Fitzsimmons

Linux user #322847 | Linux machine #207465 |
   AMD Duron 1.3GHz | Mandrake 9.1 | Kernel 2.4.21-0.16mm-mdk
               KDE 3.1.3 | Mozilla 1.4 Mail Client
18:45:00 up 3 days, 23:46,  1 user,  load average: 0.11, 0.11, 0.25

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