Anyone on this list have one of these boards, and if yes, then have you ever 
recorded anything using the "line-in" jack?

I've got some older (20+ years) cassettes that I'm trying to convert to .ogg 
using Gramofile and oggenc.

I've got a cassette player with separate line (r/l) stereo jacks, that goes 
into a 1/8th inch mini-plug (yes, it has 2 bands). This setup works 
great/records fine on my sons comp with a SB Xgamer Live card.

Anyways, I can't get anything to come thru the line-in on my Soyo MB. I've 
tried kmix and aumix, but nothing comes thru. I can record thru the mic jack 
but thats not very good quality (only 1 channel too).

I tried running the tape player thru a surround sound amp, just in case it 
needed a boost (pre-amped) but that didn't help either.

Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!


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