On Thu, 11 Sep 2003, Anne Wilson wrote:

> On Thursday 11 Sep 2003 4:07 am, Bill Mullen wrote:
> >
> > The format of the file is explained in the comments at the top of the
> > file itself, and further info is in the "console.perms" man page. I
> > would think that to prevent the switch of the v4l device's ownership
> > to that of the user, you would want to comment out this line near the
> > bottom:
> >
> > <console> 0600 <v4l> 0600 root.sys
> >
> > Your line may differ, as this is from my 9.0 system. Reboot, and
> > hopefully then the device will stay owned by root, even after you log
> > in as anne.
> Hi, Bill.  Based on what you had said, I changed the line to
> <console> 0750 <v4l>  0750 root.video

Better job would be to change both 0750's to 0660 (or 0666). This line
controls permissions on the actual device nodes themselves (such as
/dev/v4l/video0), and execute permissions have no purpose on a device
node. But you're commenting it out anyway - just don't leave it like that,
in case you want to turn it back on someday. I'd go with 0660.

> When I rebooted I found that the group had been changed to video - 
> small progress <g> - but the owner was still anne.  Perhaps I should 
> have done more exactly what you said, and commented the line out.  
> I'm going to try that.  If it then allows me to make the change, 
> should I then uncomment it again?

No. By commenting out the line, you are preventing the change to anne at 
each login; if you then uncomment it, that behavior will recur. Leave it 
commented, reboot, change the perms to what you want them to be and they 
should thereafter remain as you have set them.

Bill Mullen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   MA, USA   RLU #270075   MDK 8.1 & 9.0
"An opinion is like a branding iron. It is one thing to hold it, and
another to press it into the skin of a friend." - James Lileks

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