Richard Urwin wrote:
On Monday 15 Sep 2003 6:04 am, Rob Blomquist wrote:

I am trying to install wine from my 9.1 CDs, which I believe are
properly burned, as I can read them in Konqueror.

Urpmi is ejecting the CD, and telling me that I need to install a
different cd. I am assuming that some configuration file is corrupt,
and I need to update urpmi for the CDs.

I tryed running urpmi.update, but I don't see how to update the
distrib CDs.

Any ideas?

9.0 to 9.1 update doesn't update the urpmi sources.

Richard, I'm surprised if that is the case. Was there a bug in 9.1 that sources weren't updated during an upgrade?

Rob, did you upgrade to 9.1 or install? With how many CD's? When you do 'urpmi.update' without any source arguments, what is the list of sources urpmi expects you to specify one from? Also, in the menu > Configuration > Packaging > Software Sources Manager, are all three CDs listed and enabled?

If you installed from all three CD's, you can update CD1 by using the name urpmi.update gives you for the first CD as the argument, with CD1 in the reader. Escape any spaces with a backslash:

urpmi.update Installation\ CD\ 1

You could repeat for the other CDs but leave CD1 in as this is the source of the package lists. Another way might be to put CD1 in the reader and do:

urpmi.update -a

Also, you could press the 'Update' button in Software Sources Manager, put CD1 in the reader, and select which CD(s) to update.

If you installed from CD1 and want to add the others to sources, or the database has become broken, it is probably best to remove the CD sources in Software Sources Manager and add them back, with CD1 in the reader:

urpmi.addmedia --distrib removable://mnt/cdrom/

Adjust /mnt/cdrom to reflect your mount point.

As to the integrity of the burned CDs, there is a good method for this on the wiki, if you still have the isos. The first step is to verify the isos with md5sum, then compare verified isos to the burned disk with Pierre Fortin's method here: If you don't have the isos, use the dd method and check the md5sum against the value in the file from the mirror.


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