> But the first need is to actually get the sound in.

music -r a_wav_file.wav

Will create a 'cd-quality' recording of what you feed into
'line in' of your soundcard

music, see below

> What can I use 
> that will give me some feedback as to whether it is actually hearing
> anything? 

music -p a_wav_file.wav
plays the file

> It's too time-consuming to keep attempting a recording 
> when you don't know whether there's anything there in the first
> place.

Splitting is best done with mhWaveEdit, a fast, stable, and simple 
waveeditor. I recorded about 30 records with these tools


I compiled 1.2.3 insted of using the rpm for 1.1.5

[EMAIL PROTECTED] target]$ cat /usr/bin/music


case "$1" in
 n | normalize)
    normalize $2 $3 $4 $5 $6

  p | play)
    echo  "using $DEVICE"
    play --device=$DEVICE $2 $3 $4 $5 $6

  r | record)
    echo  "using $DEVICE with: --channels=$CHANNELS --rate=$RATE -w"
    rec --channels=$CHANNELS --device=$DEVICE --rate=$RATE -w $2 $3 $4 $5 $6

  h | -h | help | -help | ? | -?)

    case "$2" in
      n | normalize)
        normalize -h

      p | play)
        play -h

      r | record)
        rec -h

       echo  "Record first, then normalize, then split"

  echo "Usage: {[ n[ormalize] |"
  echo "          p[lay]      |"
  echo "          r[ecord]    |"
  echo "                            wavfile [options]]  |"
  echo "        [ h[elp] [command] ]}"

> Anne


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