On Thu, Oct 02, 2003 at 11:30:50AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hey all,
> I want to be able to setup an email 'bounce' from my server.  I
> want to be able to setup a black list which would reside on the
> server and contain certain email addresses or domains which upon
> receipt, would bounce right back to them with a custom message.
> I want it on the server because I don't even want it to hit my
> mailbox.
> I'm not sure if this is procmail or spamassassin or some other
> program.  I've read some on procmail, but that seems to work on an
> individual basis. 
If you want to use procmail globally you need to put procmailrc in
/etc.It will run as root so there are security issues.You can still use
a .procmail in each users home directory for personal customization.
> I want to be able to filter some domains
> globally and maybe still have the custom message.  I like the
> bounce idea because if it's spam, I'm hoping that I can spam them
> back :)
IMHO most spam has bogus headers, so You would probably be helping them
spread the spam farther.If you're sure it's spam /dev/null is a nice place
to send it.
Ray Warren

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