Hi Folks,

by trying to improve  my system stats etc. I found out that the rrd_tool 
module for php4 still had the old Bug I sent a patch to Tobias Oetiker by 
that time. Actually - the rrd_fetch function returns the data for one 
Datasource only, instead of cycling through all existing datasources - thus 
giving back only one e.g. 288 Data-entries where 576 would be required.

I just recompiled the php4_rrdtool extension of rrdtool-1.0.45 and it is fixed 
there. Maybe u folks from redhat could bring out a corrected version for 
Mdk-9.1 ...

NOTE - the 9.2 RPM does not compile on 9.1 That's why I ask u folks.



I've run DOOM more in the last few days than I have the last few
months.  I just love debugging ;-)
(Linus Torvalds)
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