> Note this, I'm not complaining one bit.  However I'm in a bit of a
> quandry in that I can't find 
> 1.  The pages I put up before.

Hmm... Which pages were they?  It is possible they were added to
other pages cut and paste style, and even more possible that they
were moved around.  If you do a text search on words you know are in
it (don't fill in the GO box, click search itself in the title bar),
that might help.

Either way, please let me know which pages: we tried really hard not
to step on anyone's toes, and would like to know if we did.

I'll see if i can find them myself:

CliTips is in AdMinistration > UsingtheCommandLineInterface > 
I have to admit, that one was tough for us to place...

TipsAndTricks is one of the few pages that got so rearranged that it
ended up not existing.
We talked about it trying to make sure no one would get offended. 
The end result was that all of the info got placed in other
Basically, the entire wiki was turning into TipsAndTricks and
HowTos, which is what started the revolution^H^H^H, i mean

Since all twiki edits are stored, any page that did get deleted or
changed is recoverable if needed.

> 2.  How to modify/hook off of the "tree"

Ok, i'll have to add some explanation to the site.

Hopefully the tree you refer to is
in which case you don't modify it.

It is automatically generated for a couple reasons:
1. Manual would be a real PITA
2. So that pages can be found (and organized) even if they are (usu
by accident) not referenced on another page.

So, to add pages, what you should do is go to the appropriate page
that should refer to your new page and add the wikiword that will
become the new page's name.  Then follow the normal method.
(for those that don't know: 

If you *really* want to add a topic to the very top level, it's best
to mention it in
http://mandrake.vmlinuz.ca/bin/view/Main/IndexDiscussion so people
can discuss it.

But, this is in fact a wiki, so if you want, here is how to add to
the top level:

1 Temporarily add a wikiword to WebHome (not WebIndex).
2 Click the ? to make the page, etc
3 delete the word from webhome.

Sounds way more complicated than it is...

Hope this helps.  And please, by all means, let us know if you don't
like what we did.  It's everybody's wiki...


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