> I have recently joined the Mandrake Club haveing been a lomg term
> SuSE


> trait. Every time the PC is booted when I open sylpheed for the
> first time it always complains that it can't find the address book
> and about ecery other time it makes me go through the full first
> time setup. Fortunately I use procmail for filtering so the loss
> of filtr=er rules is not an issue but entering my name, email etc
> is a complete pain in the preverbial.
> This happens with the standard 0.8.11 that comes with Mandrake
> 9.1, as well as with 8.11 claws and 9.6 from the sylpheed site.

It might be best for you to install with an rpm built for mandrake.

Charles has a sylpheed 9.6 rpm that he gracously made available to


(What's with the site bein all pretty, Charles?  :)


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