On Friday 10 October 2003 08:46 am, HaywireMac wrote:
> How would one configure Apache so that anyone using IE would be met with
> a "nice friendly message" that they are not welcome?
> Considering the effects of compromised home computers running XP on the
> 'net, I would like to start a campaign to essentially "lock out" IE from
> accessing websites.
> Of course, one would still be able to use Windows, but have to use an
> alternate browser such as Mozilla.

You can test for an explicit browser string but the code must be added to 
every virtual server run from Apache.  You can't just add it to a 
configuration setting, it has to be in the page or application code.

Also, if someone has a page under the actual index bookmarked, they can still 
bypass the detection string.  I use that all the time to bypass detection and 
enforcement of IE only.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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