On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 09:19:28 -0400
Greg Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Do what the sites that allow only IE do.  Test the browser string and
> present a warning page to users of IE and the real page to everybody
> else.

Right, I understand the basic concept, but I cannot see in my
httpd2.conf where or how this is done.

I found this example on the Apache site:

The BrowserMatch is a special cases of the SetEnvIf directive that sets
environment variables conditional on the User-Agent HTTP request header.

Some additional examples:

BrowserMatch ^Mozilla forms jpeg=yes browser=netscape
BrowserMatch "^Mozilla/[2-3]" tables agif frames javascript
BrowserMatch MSIE !javascript

The last one looks promising, I suppose I could put:

BrowserMatch MSIE "go somewhere else", but I can't find how to write
that in terms Apache will understand...


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