On Sun, 2003-10-12 at 02:07, James wrote:
> Ok.. thank you all for your help.  I now have ProFTPD installed.  Though,
> I still don't know what to do to get it working.  I typed "service proftpd
> start" and it started ok.
> The config is the original base set up for anonymous login.  I don't want
> that.  I just want to allow certain individuals, such as myself, ftp
> access.
> All of the previous suggestions made here on this mail list have been
> lost.  My hard drive crashed a few days ago, and I have lost everything
> not saved on CD, including emails.

rpm -e proftpd-anonymous and anon ftp will disapear.  But others like
real users will still be able to work.

> Anyway, I have ProFTPD running, I just need a good configuration file to
> allow specific users.
> Thanks again.
> james
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