1)  I have kopete installed, and I did not remember to do anything 
about msn before I went away.  Everything was fine when I left, but 
now it tries to connect to msn on opening, fails, and segfaults.  Is 
there any way that I can get in to the configuration file to stop 
instant connections?  I have looked for it, but can't see the file.

2)  What exactly is the purpose of Jabber?  I installed it so that I 
could run kopete, but have two issues with it -

a)  I get failed messages on shutdown that relate to jabber, and they 
go by so fast that I can't read them.  I know where to find messages 
that come up during bootup, but I'm not so sure about shutdown 

b)  From top it seems that it takes up a relatively big slice of cpu 
and mem, even when kopete is not loaded:
 1759 daemon    10   0 10080 9.8m  848 S  0.7  1.9   4:31.08 jabberd
so what is it doing?

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