On Sun, 2003-10-19 at 11:19, Rob Blomquist wrote:
> On Sunday 19 October 2003 hh:07, Rob Blomquist wrote:
> > 1. Sound not working, and I haven't figured this out yet.
> > 2. KDE Terminal-Emulation button has no terminals, and they don't seem to
> > be installed. All I have right now is RX VT.
> > 3. KMail not installed by upgrade.
> I hunted through all the kde files on the disks, and I found the KDE files 
> that I needed. I can't believe that Mandrake blew it so badly. The above 3 
> were fixed in one fell swoop.

Mandrake didn't "blow it"  rather they moved into a more common system
of breaking KDE down into components rather than one big lump.  I agree
a mention should have been made in errata but it's a one time thing that
puts MDK in line with just about everyone but RH (they have their own
little world.)  Gentoo, SuSE, Connectiva, Debian etc all break it down
like this now.
> > 4. I don't seem to have American English installed on my machine, GB is
> > installed for me, so I have no American standards for time and stuff. I
> > think this might be locales not being installed, but I am not sure.
> > 5.I probably have not yet found it, but I am sure its out there.
> I still haven't solved these.

Assuming (for what reason I'm not sure) you are in KDE open kcontrol and
under Accessibility you will find Country-Region & Language.  That
should help loads.

> Rob

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