On Monday 20 October 2003 08:01 pm, Bryan Phinney wrote:
> On Monday 20 October 2003 08:21 pm, stefmit wrote:
> > Anybody having ever tried and succeeded in burning bin/cue files?
> Yes, repeatedly.  Using K3B amongst others.

... what others?!? It looks to me that k3b is just a frontend to cdrdao, and 
that looks like being the culprit, as I used the command line:

/usr/bin/cdrdao write --device 0,0,0 --speed 24 --overburn -n -v 2 --eject 
--remote 31 /home/scm/downloads/<my_bin_file>.bin 

as per the log I sent, with the same "effect" (i.e. errors).

So - is there any other program that would write bin/cue?

> > I am
> > getting the following error (I have "google-d" for it, obviously, but
> > nothing came out of relevance to my problem, as a possible answer ...
> > just some similar complaints ... ):
> Never seen this error.  You sure that the Cue file is correct for this bin
> and that both are in a directory that is writeable and that you have
> correct permissions.  Also, K3b needs to have a temp directory that is
> writeable as well.

yes, yes and yes :)


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