On Wed, 22 Oct 2003, [big5] Vincent Chen wrote:

> I got a strange sound system problem here. If I login from local
> console,the sound system works perfectly. But if I login from remote X
> session,I got sound device permission error. It seems that sound device
> owner is root during system start but KDE will change owner to those who
> try to login after start. It works fine in local but something goes
> wrong with remote session. Any idea?

It isn't "KDE" causing this, of course - the behavior is exactly the same
with Gnome or any other WM/DE - but the default is to allow access to the
sound device only to locally-logged-in users (a.k.a. "console users").

> BTW: anyone know which script give permission to user during KDE
> startup?

It is part of the login procedure, and this aspect is regulated by the
relevant entries in the /etc/security/console.perms file. Look for the 
following line, in the "permission definitions" section at the end:

<console> 0600 <sound> 0600 root.audio

To allow access to the sound devices for all users, change it to:

<console> 0666 <sound> 0666 root.audio

Somewhat more secure would be to set it to allow access only to members 
of the "audio" group (to which you can add any users who'll need this):

<console> 0660 <sound> 0660 root.audio

You need to reboot after making the change, AFAICT. There's probably a way 
to implement it without doing so, I just don't know what it is. :(

Now, users logged in remotely should have the same access to the local
sound equipment that the local users have. This does not bring the sound
to the client system in any fashion, of course - options for doing that
were mentioned by someone else - but just gives remote users access to the
server's sound hardware.


Bill Mullen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   MA, USA   RLU #270075   MDK 8.1 & 9.0
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body is the 'most reliable Windows ever.' To me, this is like saying that
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