Is it true that the effects of this related to the gravitational forces may 
make the "aurora effect" appear in the sky more proeminent further South than 

On Thursday 23 October 2003 09:17 pm, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> I just heard on Fox news that a pseudo-solar flare has erupted on the
> sun, and we now have a massive wave of electromagnetic energy and
> particles headed our way.  It's due to hit tommorrow.  No kidding.
> Supposedly the max rating for such a storm is "G5", this storm is
> supposed to be "G3" or so.  Satellite communications might be disrupted
> and they say cell phone communications are at risk as well.  Anything
> that's wireless may be affected.  I will probably definitely be affected
> since my internet connection is satellite uplink.
> Anyways, watch out for voltage spikes and stuff like that.
> LX

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