On Saturday 25 Oct 2003 6:14 am, James Sparenberg wrote:
> Anyone know of a good online tutorial on
> 1. Using GPG with mail
> 2. Using GPG instead of passwords to login via ssh
> 3. Signing an rpm with a signature.
> I'm not talking about something like the full blown explanations
> I've read and fallen asleep there.  I'm looking for something like
> a cookbook that I can print and hand to people and say.  "Do this
> it will work"
> james
> (PS hopefully it will be something written post RH 6.2, I've found
> a lot of that info for #3 and I'm still looking for something that
> actually works with current rpms)

Does http://mandrake.vmlinuz.ca/bin/view/Main/GnuPG help?

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