Hi Everyone,

Just working out the mandrake mirror situation, especially i like the
extras such as the contrib stuff, and other extras that are normally in
the Mandrake mirror such as http-naat ..   O.K. in the past I have been
using http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/mandrake/9.2  but the mirror
there this time is very differnet, it's really just a mirror of the
continence of the download edition of Mandrake 9.2, no contribs etc..

I have checked out http://ftp.club-internet.fr/pub/linux/Mandrake/9.2/
it's a very different mirror, does anyone know what's happening with the
mirroring of Mandrake 9.2, and what would be best mirror to use for
someone in Australia, definitely public.planetmirror.com is not a good
mirror for Mandrake 9.2.   Is there 2 forms of mirroring out there? is
any other mirrors like Planetmirror?


Mark Williamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cyber Essentials

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