On Wednesday 29 October 2003 10:27 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
> With a lot of help from the GnomeMeeting list I have finally got it
> working as user - this with pwcx forced.  I now need to make it
> automatically do this.  As I understand it I now have to insert into
> /etc/modules.conf the line
> post-install pwc /sbin/insmod -f
> /home/anne/tmp/ToUcam/usb-pwcx-8.2.2/x86/gcc-3.2/pwcx-2.4.20.o >
> /dev/null 2>&1  || :
> Does that look right?  I'm not sure what the last part of this means.
> Once I get this sorted I'll try to go back through the thread and
> document what happened.
> Anne

Anne, I've already got this in /etc/modules/conf:

post-install pwc /sbin/insmod --force -k /lib/modules/usb/pwcx.o >/dev/null 
2>&1  || :

and it makes no difference for Gnomemeeting here.

Lemme know if pointing it to your normal users /home works.



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