On Monday 10 Nov 2003 2:28 am, bascule wrote:
> hi anne,
> using kernel 2.4.19-35mdk i managed to get both the usb microphone
> from the cam and my sblive working by launching programs that use
> the microphone e.g gnomemeeting with soundwrapper: i.e.
> $ soundwrapper gnomemeeting
> this allowed the microphone to work though i only have my sblive
> showing in kmix, since i only wanted the microphone to work in
> gnomemeeting i haven't tried recording using other progs, i'm not
> sure if i could if the prog were to want me to select a source
> using a mixer,
> using other kernels i couldn't get this to work but then i also
> lost access to my usb scanner so i think there was a more general
> problem there (even though the kernels were newer)
Hmm - usb still seems to have some problems, doesn't it?

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