Hi I had this problem and you need to open udp ports 1100 & 1182.
However these ports need to be open on the machine on the machine man is
using  msn VOIP.

So for for each user DNAT those ports to their machine.
If you use shorewall

in rules
DNAT    net     loc:<address of machine on lan>    udp    1100,1182

That also allows video as well.

There is a problem this works with one machine behind the firewall and
dos'nt like subnetting.

Now this is just and idea, it might work

open udp port 1100 & 1182 on the firewall and use xinetd to redirect to
a subnet.
dont forget to  add rules to allow firewall to local for these upd ports
AND add 1100 & 1182 to /etc/services on the firewall machine.
xinetd is happy with port forward to a subnet, so it should work

On Mon, 2003-11-10 at 02:57, Leonardo Sá wrote:
> I'm currently running a server who shares a adsl connection (masquerade nat)
> without any problems.
> But users inside the network are complaining that they can't use msn
> messenger's voice chat feature.
> I've googled and found out some ports to be open. I opened them but voice
> still doesn't seems to work, although file transfers using messenger are now
> working fine (it wasn't working with ports closed).
> Any suggestions to enable my users to use voice chat? (iptables | mdk9.0)
> Cheers,
> Leonardo Sá
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