On Monday 10 Nov 2003 3:22 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
> On Monday 10 November 2003 10:09 am, elPunishar wrote:
> > uhm... why are the md5 sums only for club members ??
> > that means they are the md5 sums for the power pack, right ? not for the
> > normal download edition ?
> There were two sets of iso's available at the Club.  The first set was the
> GPL download edition and the second set was the first three disks of the
> Powerpack.  So to check the md5sums, you have to get the right set of
> md5sums.  They should be available somewhere, they have been posted at
> least a million times on this and the newbie list, alt.os.linux.mandrake,
> mandrakeusers.org, mandrakeclub, pclinuxonline, etc.  A quick trip to
> google should give you what you need.

well, you know, to verify the source of the ISO, i would have liked to get the 
md5 sum from madrake itself, just to be sure, you know.

google could give me anything, put in the net by anyone..

but thank you :)

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